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HomeBiz NewsDeshanAmarasinghe launches 5D Concept

DeshanAmarasinghe launches 5D Concept

Restabilizing mental health for success

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries, economies and dreams have collapsed. In light of the ailments of recent years, motivational speaker DeshanSamarasinghe has launched his concept entitled ‘5D’ to restabilise mental healsth to achieve dreams and success. The five elements of this unique concept are Dream, Duty, Discipline, Dedication and Determination.

The 5D concept has already been accepted by 21 countries, including Europe, India, and Dubai. Labelled a harbinger of success and a guide to revitalising their thinking patterns, this pure Sri Lankan concept is getting noticed and queried by many people across the globe, making Sri Lanka immesnsly proud.

“You see, the way you think and feel about yourself, including your beliefs and expectations about what is possible for you, determines everything that happens to you. When you change the quality of your thinking, you change the quality of your life, sometimes instantly. Just as positive words can make someone smile, our thoughts react to the world in real-time. You have complete control over only one thing in the universe. You can decide what you are going to think in any given situation. Your thoughts and feelings determine your actions and determine the results you get. It all starts with your thoughts,” said DeshanAmarasinghe, Creator of the 5D concept.

The 5Ds are guiding pillars to lean upon in your path to success. The first step is recognising the path that you want to choose. When you have a dream, you are determined to achieve it. Therefore, according to the 5D concept, the first step is recognising that you have a dream.

Secondly, it is important to fulfil your duties and go above and beyond to meet your expectations. By ensuring you fulfil your duties to your clients, customers, and other patrons, you will create an environment where your business and business can flourish and avoid bad outcomes.

The most important step, the third of the five Ds, is discipline. Discipline is crucial in every aspect of your life. Discipline ensures you build new habits, stop procrastinating, and effectively manage your time. Those who follow will see significant improvement and success with time and discipline. Discipline is crucial in every aspect of your life. Discipline ensures you build new habits, stop procrastinating, and effectively manage your time. Those who follow will see significant improvement and success with time and discipline.

Fourthly, 5D introduces Dedication. Dedication allows people to gain success, promotions, and work with difficult people. These life skills are beneficial for enjoying a job and reachingthe highest potential. It is not enough to have a plan; people have to execute it constantly.

The last step is the unending determination. Anyone can practice determination and work hard to achieve goals. Consistent determination is the key to success. Consider all the other employees in the workplace; the best employees will spread their determination and drive to others, so everyone feels empowered to work hard and reach their goals. As the world needs to restore its broken mental strength to achieve goals, it is time for new concepts to emerge for the mental development as a country, as an institution and as a team. The team behind the 5D concept has expressed its goal of getting the world back on track.

In addition, they have understood that people, organisations, and countries worldwide need a standard process for solving the problems they are facing at the time. It is ensured that the 5D concept will provide the basic foundation to solve all the problems people face while also paving a way to achieving dreams.

Team 5D is currently conducting workshops for individuals and organisationsworldwide to integrate 5D into their lifestyles. They offer guidance and constant evaluation to ensure their patrons are on the right path to success. For more details about the 5D concept, reach DeshanAmarasinghe on



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